
The Ultraview Total Pressure Governor (UV-TPG) System is Class 1’s latest in state of the art fire pump pressure control. Operating on the J1939 network, the UV-TPG is able to monitor engine RPM and other pertinent data directly from the engine ECU.


The UV-TPG System is Class 1’s latest in state of the art fire pump pressure control. Operating on the J1939 network, the UV-TPG is able to monitor engine RPM and other pertinent data directly from the engine ECU. This allows it to react very quickly and accurately to any change in fire pump pressure. TheUV-TPG System consists of a UV-TPG display, Optional Twister throttle, pressure transducers and associated wiring. It utilizes Class 1’s UltraView technology which is a custom tooled and programmed, 4.3 inch, full color LCD display with 8 buttons. The UV-TPG is packed with features that make it the most comprehensive and user friendly pressure governor to date. It has state of the art on board diagnostic features and is compatible with most engines.

Hale Products


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For the UV-TPG
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Can Specification SAE J1939: 125, 250, 500 Kbits/second
Brand Hale Products
Environmental Range IP 67
Maximum Output Current 250 mA - Alarm active (ground polarity output), 250 mA - Sensor (+5 VDC) References (polythermal fuse protected to 300 mA)
Temperature Range (Metric) -40C ... +85C
Volts +9 VDC ... +32 VDC
Amperage 240 mA (13.8 VDC) / 120 mA (27.6 VDC)
Engine Power $0.00
Operating Pressure (Bar) 20.68 - 41.37 Bar
Bid Specification Template

Maximum output current

  • Sensor (+5VDC) =  250mA
  • References Alarm active = 250mA (ground polarity output)

Electrical protection

  • Internal thermal fuse (2500mA on pin 1 of black 12-pin connector) 
  • CAN bus protected for heavy duty trucks (24V) 
  • Transient voltage protected to SAE J1113 specification for heavy duty trucks (24V) 
  • Load dump voltage protected to SAE J1113 specification for heavy duty trucks (24V) 
  • Electrical performance Immunity to Radiated Electromagnetic Fields– Bulk Current Injection (BCI) method, Class C device SAE J1113-4 
  • Reverse voltage protection on power leads (pins 1 and 12 of black 12-pin connector), Class C device ISO 16750-2 
  • Jump start on power leads, Class C device ISO 16750-2 
  • Immunity to conducted transients on power leads, Class C device (24V) SAE J1113-11 
  • Immunity to Electrostatic Discharge – powered and unpowered modes SAE J1113-13 
  • Immunity to radiated electromagnetic fields SAE J1113-21 
  • Conducted emission on power leads (level 3 limits) SAE J1113-41 
  • Radiated emissions, absorber-lined shielded enclosure (level 2 limits) SAE J1113-41 
  • Reset behavior on voltage drop 24V, Class C device ISO 16750-2

Environmental performance

  • Exposure to fungus MIL-STD-810F (method 508.5) SAE J1455 (sec 4.6) 
  • Thermal shock SAE J1455 (sec 
  • Exposure to humidity MIL-STD-810F (method 507.4) 
  • Thermal shock due to splash Class 1 (STD-0001) 
  • Steam cleaning SAE J1455 (sec 4.4) 
  • Exposure to salt spray atmosphere/fog SAE J1455 (sec 4.3) 
  • Exposure to splash due to chemicals and oils SAE J1455 (sec 4.4) 
  • Exposure to outdoor UV ISO 4892-2 (method A) 
  • Mechanical performance Resonance dwell SAE J1455 (sec 
  • Random vibration SAE J1455 (sec 
  • Mechanical shock SAE J1455 (sec