
SmartFOAM is a direct injection foam proportioning system that has been engineered to work smarter for you.

SmartFOAM’s six configurable presets eliminate the need to remember the proper foam injection rate for a specific fire ground scenario. Simply press the preset button with the text indicating your desired scenario. Each preset is fully configurable at the department level so it can be customized for your standard operating procedures.


Eliminates the Guesswork

  • Intuitive interface
  • Advanced safety interlocks
  • Best in class color display


  • Prevents mixing of A and B foam types
  • On-screen maintenance reminders
  • Full system data logging

Flexible System

  • Six customizable presets
  • Selectable user interface
  • Full range of foam pump options – from 1.7 GPM to 13 GPM
  • Capable of controlling two foam pumps
  • Capable of offboard drafting up to 5 feet (3.3,5.0, and 6.5 Models Only)
Hale Products


Product code:
Firefighting - Airport (ARFF), Firefighting - Industrial, Firefighting - Structural, Firefighting - Wildland Forestry

Technical details & documents

For the SmartFOAM
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Can Specification J1939, 250kbit/s
Certifications NFPA 1900
Brand Hale Products
Application Solutions Firefighting - Airport (ARFF), Firefighting - Industrial, Firefighting - Structural, Firefighting - Wildland Forestry
Engine Power $0.00